Thursday, July 4, 2024


 USA - The Official Place of Refuge for Nomads With Dreams

The Grand Experiment is Still Grand!!

As we awake to another celebration of our founding this morning, I ponder the onslaught of attempts by powers, great and small, to destroy our great country, as well as our own self-inflicted wounds on the very freedoms that we have held up to the world for generations. When you view Lady Liberty or read of the sacrifices of men and women who have willingly fostered our freedoms, you must remind yourself that this country, this USA, came to be because men, rebels all, said ENOUGH!!  In a single act of incomparable bravery and genius, this nation was birthed to give refuge to the "Nomads" who wanted a better life in the new world, who wanted to worship their God in peace and determine their own destiny without government intervention.
Now this is not a political blog, but one cannot discuss this amazing country without some discussion of the one subject that is not supposed to be discussed in polite company. And when you watch the news or read a blog or do something really quaint like read a newspaper, you realize that we simply do not have any current-day Washingtons, Jeffersons, Franklins, Adams, or Hamiltons. No, we Americans shake our heads in flummoxed disbelief at the current crop of empty suits now running the place. I have a friend who believes the demise of this great country is imminent. It's not if but when. To that, I say - Balderdash!! If you have any knowledge of the history of this great country, you can rest assured that its greatness comes from its people, and their willingness to "throw the bums out" when righting the ship becomes necessary. With that greatest of documents to guide us, The US Constitution, we WILL defeat attacks of any kind on the virtues and ideas that came from the most unique concept of freedom ever envisioned by man. I am convinced we will, indeed, right this ship for generations to come. 

And What About Our Generations?  
Boomers, X'ers, Millenials/Y'ers, Z'ers,  and Alphas?

As we Boomers lament the latest crop of children who are now beginning to run the place, we discuss all the faults of the forty-somethings we have raised. And I must admit - it is somewhat disconcerting when one of those young Gen X'ers was asked, a few years back, by talk show host Jay Leno - Where is the Gaza Strip? They answered West Hollywood! Really? But we Boomers conveniently forget that we invented the basest of human traits - narcissism. You do remember Stephen Stills' mantra to self-indulgence - 
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with - don't you? That one line and its impact on our culture is worth at least three credit hours of directed study on human behavior gone awry. As the most privileged, upwardly mobile generation, we grew up with TV, hot cars, and a vision of America that fit us like a glove. So, spare me the judgment of the "kids" that are working through their lives day by day in a world very different than the post-war world of optimism we seventy-somethings enjoyed. Numerous studies point out that this new generation is optimistic, hard-working, and more open to change than any generation before it. 

I recently had a long discussion about this with my forty-something kids. I am utterly convinced that this country, with all its challenges, is in good hands. These guys get it and will keep the dream alive. They may use their iPhones and iPads more than we wish, but they will pursue true happiness in their own way. It will just be - different! And on that note, I will share a text message from my son some twelve years ago  which reads as follows:
"Just landed in Denver - staying at The Curtis back Monday - Happy 4th - God Bless America!"

So, if you're a proud Boomer, you are more than likely blessed with the talking to, the loving of, and the caring for every age from old Boomer to young Alpha. And, guess what - Every generation will figure out the truth and ensure that everything remains copacetic! It's a new day! Whether it's on parchment or a smartphone, the love of this country means the same thing and it's ever-new. 
So - as you head out to Grandma's house or some other favorite place to celebrate this uniquely American day, I implore you to read our Declaration of Independence, written by one of history's greatest minds, Thomas Jefferson, at the ripe old age of thirty-three. A Gen Y'er we can all believe in. 
Oh, Say Can You See!
D.L. Stafford
Quote of The Week - "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  Thomas Jefferson 
Video Artist of  The Week - I watched and listened to many amazing performances of our National Anthem and selected the one that brought tears of pride as I watched and listened to our nation's Joint Armed Forces Color Guard present the colors of the United States at the 2023 College Football National Championship followed by a powerful performance of The Star Spangled Banner by the Grammy Award Winning vocal group PENTATONIX.


  1. Very nice! However, I think this nation is in terrible hands.

    1. Yes it is. Hopefully change is comig sooner rather than later.
