How About A Chain That Doesn't Feel Like A Chain?
Generally speaking, this Nomad avoids chains like the plague. If you are constantly looking for those small, unique places at the end of the lane, then sleeping at a big Hilton or eating at an Outback just doesn't quite jibe with the whole notion of a traveler looking for the types of personal travel experiences this blog is dedicated to.
Well, fellow Nomads, there is hope. There is a small chain that is worth checking out. One could say that Taqueria del Sol is actually not a chain, since they currently have only seven locations, with expansion plans underway. We have eaten many times at the Westside Atlanta location. The quality of the food, the service and the minimalist interior design says local. One can only hope as the inevitable expansion comes, the quality will remain. So far, they are making all the right moves. Among other positive reviews, none other than Bon Appétit magazine has declared them to be one of "America's Top Restaurants". I am not an expert foodie, but, according to those that are, when Bon Appétit says you're good, that's something to brag about.
Who Ever Heard of a Fried Chicken Taco? Viva Sabroso!
Taqueria del Sol has an eclectic menu that manages to combine the best of Southern, Mexican and Southwest culinary traditions and make great food from scratch. The Memphis Taco combines smoked pork with a spicy jalapeno
coleslaw and tequila BBQ sauce. You'll think you're in Tijuana, Georgia! The Fried Chicken Taco combines fried chicken breast strips, lime jalapeño mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato. My guess is you cannot get this tasty "Southern" dish south of the other border. In addition to great tacos and the best home made salsa and chips this side of El Paso, they have a variety of tasty enchiladas, made with the same eclectic culinary panache as the tacos. And with sides like spicy turnip greens, shrimp corn chowder and blue cheese grits your taste buds will not go wanting in the least. They also have veggie tacos and enchiladas for those who can't bring themselves to partake of carrion. Plus, as you would expect, they have all the libations one might require to complete the culinary experience.
And don't be turned off by the long lines. They are very fast and will seat you and serve you in record time. Besides, long lines usually indicate that its worth the wait. And the delicacies at this cool little place are most assuredly worth the wait with prices that are downright cheap, when compared to today's food prices, fast or otherwise.
So, if you are around Atlanta, Cary NC, Philly or Nashville, I highly recommend taking the plunge at the anti-chain chain Taqueria del Sol. You'll love the food and you you won't break the bank.
Via Con Pollo Podner
d.l. stafford
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